Lean Tours

Experience Lean Thinking
Join us for a tour and see how small, daily improvements are transforming our business. Learn about the principles of Lean Thinking and how you can apply them to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.
2 Second Lean is a simple, powerful concept where employees make small improvements every day to improve processes, eliminate waste, and create a more efficient and joyful workplace. This approach not only enhances productivity but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement.
Note: These tours are designed for individuals and businesses interested in cultural transformation through Lean Thinking, or those already on their own Lean journey. If you're looking for a traditional "How It's Made" tour focusing on cheesecake production, this is not a good fit.
- 8:00 am: Arrive and Sign-in
- 8:20 am: Morning Meeting
- 8:50 am: Office & Bakery Improvement Walk and Discussion
- 10:00-11:00 am:Q&A then Tour Ends
Learn More
Watch Lean Videos 2 Second Lean by Paul Akers Improvement Starts with I, by Tom Hughes Lean made Simple - Ryan TierneyContact Information
For questions on Lean or 2SL Tours, contact Will directly.
Cell: 615-397-1104 (Text or WhatsApp)